CPT requirements


The prerequisites for a rating upgrade are a theoretical and a practical test. The theoretical test, also called ATSimTest, is organized by VATEUD. The practical test is performed by the vACC. Both ATSimTest and the practical test (Controller Position Test, CPT) together are the checks required to obtain a higher rating and to progress further in the ATC hierarchy.

vACC Switzerland’s general requirements

In order to meet the expectations of our pilots, we attach importance to a profound training of our controllers. Along with the theoretical knowledge such as phraseology and airport specific details (SOP), we request an anticipatory and flexible workflow. Our motivated mentors ensure the success of education.

ATSim Test

The ATSimTest needs to be successfully passed prior to taking the CPT. In order to request the token, you are kindly requested to send a mail to atc-td@vacc.ch, including your CID and next rating. As the ATSimTest has a limited validity the token should only be requested once a date for the CPT is organised.
In case of failure please contact our ATC-TD to define the next steps.

CPT procedure

The CPT takes place at Geneva, usually during main traffic hours. The duration is approximately two hours, depending on the traffic numbers and complexity. Two examiners will monitor the performance and assess it. The CPT finishes with a debriefing of the online session.
In order to request the CPT please request it in the TMS.

Rating Upgrade

After having passed both the ATSimTest and the CPT, a recommendation to VATEUD for the rating upgrade will be made. It may take a few days for VATEUD to process it.


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